Boost Your MSP with Marketing That Gets Results!

Led by 20-year MSP veteran, Kevin Snyder, we’ll help you discover your story, build your foundation, and implement a marketing strategy that consistently adds clients to your business!

Kevin Snyder

We Make Phones Ring for Managed Service Providers

Does This Sound Like Your MSP?

  • Your MSP seems to be drifting without predictable growth.

  • There’s no marketing system, only marketing tries.

  • You’ve tried one-size-fits-all marketing with no results.

  • You rely on referrals, but they don’t come often enough.

  • There’s not enough warm leads and the cold ones are super-hard to close.

  • You’re not attracting the type clients you’d like.

  • Your MSP is struggling to stand out from the competition. There’s no clear difference.

  • You feel you must charge the same or less than those competitors.

How to Fix the Issues and Grow Predictably

Most are common traits of maturing MSPs, but they are red alerts, too. It’s important to get them behind you fast. If several describe your MSP, it’s time for an effective and affordable marketing system.

MSP Growth Partners is a certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultant, authorized to implement the marketing system that’s been proven over 20 years.

Having been MSP’s ourselves for many years (eventually acquired), we have a rare MSP/marketing superpower to help you grow!

And, since strategy is the foundation of any good marketing system (our specialty), we’ll help you discover exactly what you need to be successful…

  • What makes your MSP unique?

  • Why did your clients choose you and why do they stay?

  • Do you have an appealing core message to share?

  • Who are the best audiences to hear your message?

  • Does your MSP appear in Local Google searches?

  • Do you have a marketing website, one that’s able to convert visitors to fans and clients?

  • Who are your competitors and why may they outrank your own search engine results?

  • What can be learned from competitors’ businesses and their clients?

    … and so much more.

Select the Marketing Plan for Your Goals

Fractional Marketer

Strategic Marketing, Done With or For You.

Unleash the Power of Our Marketing Experts and the Duct Tape Marketing System to catapult your MSP's success. We’ll help analyze your MSP, research the competition, and layout precise strategies tailored to your unique business's needs. We'll deliver marketing that evolves and multiplies as your business grows!

Let's Talk! Currently Seeking 9
Regionally-Diverse Clients!

MSP Launchpad

Elevate Strategy with Next-Gen Marketing Tools

Introducing our transformative SaaS Marketing Platform: featuring CRM excellence, advanced sales funnels, an intuitive social media planner, impactful email and SMS campaigns, seamless workflow automations, reputation management, call tracking, and a versatile mobile app. Experience marketing's future, today.

Seamless Tools.

Unmatched Potential!

Select the Marketing Program for Your Goals

Fractional Marketer

Strategic Marketing, Done for You.

Unleash the Power of Our Marketing Experts and the Duct Tape Marketing System to catapult your MSP's success. We’ll analyze your MSP, research the competition, and layout precise strategies tailored to your unique business's needs. We'll deliver marketing that evolves and multiplies as your business grows!

Let's Talk! Currently Seeking 9
Regionally-Diverse Clients!

MSP Launchpad

Elevate Strategy with Next-Gen Marketing Tools

Introducing our transformative SaaS Marketing Platform: featuring CRM excellence, advanced sales funnels, an intuitive social media planner, impactful email and SMS campaigns, seamless workflow automations, reputation management, call tracking, and a versatile mobile app. Experience marketing's future, today.

Seamless Tools.

Unmatched Potential!

Elements of the MSP Growth Partners Marketing System

Get the 7 Step Guide to Growing Your MSP!

In the 7 Steps to Small Business Marketing Success You'll Learn:

  • Why strategy must come before tactics

  • Why and what customers really buy

  • How to make Google your new best friend

  • How to apply an integrated marketing system


Brian Guenther

Kevin is one of the kindest and most caring people I have ever met, and I know that this translates directly into Kevin's business and how he deals with clients, vendors and employees. Kevin is super-knowledgable, knows the industry very well, and will always do what's best for his client. Hands down, he's the guy you want to have on your team working with you!


Dustin Cucinotta

Kevin Snyder is a reliable informative and knowledgeable man. He has always been willing to help and quick to pick up the phone or call you back. In this day of “all business” personalities, Keven is refreshing and kind regardless of his success.


Joe Conklin

Kevin has an excellent grasp of what makes both a company, and IT work. His enthusiasm for effective solutions matched by his discipline makes Kevin great at linking IT to business value. I've worked with Kevin for years and I find his ideas energizing and refreshing.


Kathy Tuno

Kevin is so great to work for because you never really feel like you are working for him, but with him. He has great respect for all his employees which encourages them all to feel at ease and motivates them to be and do their best. Kevin is very talented, creative, hardworking and extremely thorough while at the same time always kind, considerate and patient with a great sense of humor which is why he gets along so well with all our clients and has had great relationships with them for many years.


Michael Halperin

I've known Kevin Snyder for several years, initially as a client when I was with Cogent Growth Partners. In working with Kevin, I was impressed with his customer focus and overall knowledge of the IT Services industry. Kevin is a straight-shooter, and is always willing to share his insights (which are considerable). Over the years since I worked with Kevin, I have come to admire his perspectives, knowledge and impact on his business. He always seems to have a good pulse on the industry, and uses that knowledge to make ProductiveTech a positive, progressive force in the industry.


Paul Szkotak

The Recommendation window for LinkedIn asks you to select three of the following that best describe Kevin: Great Results, Personable, Expert, Good Value, On Time, High Integrity, Creative, Kevin is all of these things to the Nth degree, moreover, he makes you feel like family. The normal routine of a vendor trying to make the most money from every client and customer trying to negotiate for the best price from the vendor, just doesn't come into play with him. He is honest and fairly priced (even inexpensive by comparison). If he makes a recommendation on something that needs to be done, he has your best interest in mind... not his bottom line. How refreshing!!!


Tom Zarrella

I have been associated with Kevin for several years as part of a peer group that shares best practices with each other in the filed of technology services with the goal of becoming great companies. Kevin has a passion for being the best he can be and to make his company the best it can be to help their clients. I would recommend that you take the time to speak to him. You will benfit from his willingness to help.


Peggy Goldman

I could have checked every item in the list and still have plenty of superlatives to attribute to Kevin Snyder. Since first hiring him to help with our computer network, we have trusted him and his company to help us grow by managing our computer needs. Kevin has taken us through several moves, into ever expanding offices and ever expanding needs. We consider Kevin and his company a part of our own team, and as a businss owner who depends on excellent service as well as excellent pricing, I would recommend Kevin Snyder and his company without any reservations.


Essential Website Elements

16 Must-Have Website Elements

February 15, 20237 min read

Want to know if your website is working for you?

Not to pick on web designers, but in today’s business world, you need to be thinking about so much more than just design when it comes to building out your website. Sure, the design is still an important element since a website needs to be visually pleasing to its audience and have the functionality and user experience that they are used to, but you simply cannot design a website at the expense of content and SEO.

While there is a growing percentage of web designers who understand how to design strategically, there are still many business owners who have the “make my site pretty” mentality. By not keeping SEO, content, strategy, user experience, website functionality, and design in mind, companies risking losing business opportunities.

The purpose of your website

Before we can talk about the necessary elements of your homepage specifically, we need to address the purpose of a website.

Gone are the days of your websites just being digital brochure for your company.

A website now has many jobs including:

  • Get found – The website should be optimized for search to help you get found online.

  • Build trust – Your website is a key element to building trust. Once a person arrives on your website, it needs to validate their challenges. Your website needs to function the way your customers need it to and expect it to.

  • Educate – Your website should teach people how to recognize what their problems and challenges actually are.

  • Inform – Once person has found you and trusts you, you need to inform them on how you can solve their problems.

  • Nurture – Often people need to come back to your website numerous times before making a purchase. Capture their email address and continue to create valuable content that is relevant to their stage in the customer journey to nurture them through to the sale.

  • Convert – A conversion can be many things from subscribing to a newsletter, to calling you, to actually making a purchase on your website. Conversion opportunities need to be an element of the design of your homepage to help guide the journey.

In today’s world, your customer’s journey starts by researching online. People are coming to a conclusion on their own as to whether or not they are interested in buying from you far before you even realize you are being looked at. You need to make sure you have presence in these early research stages, and completing each of the jobs above will help you do that.

Tell a story

The main goal your website should achieve is to be able to immediately tell a story. What you may get wrong about storytelling on your website is that the story is not about YOU. The story must be the story your customers and prospects are telling themselves. They need to see themselves in the story which starts with their challenges, problems, and issues that they don’t know how to solve. You have to immediately let your website visitor see that you know what they’re struggling with and that there’s a good chance that you know how to solve it.

Guide a journey

Your website must guide your prospects through the buying process and help them decide how they should move forward. You don’t need to cover everything on your homepage, but you need to help guide your visitor to the next steps. Ask yourself what you want your visitor to do when they’re on your homepage. What actions and next steps should they take to find the solutions they’re looking for?

When you think of guiding people through your website, design is natural element to think about, but remember, SEO, content, and strategy need to be done in parallel with design. In fact, many believe web design should revolve around SEO rather than the other way around.

Must have homepage elements

It’s time for the moment you’ve been waiting for: must have homepage elements. The homepage is often a prospect’s first impression of your website. To get the most out of their visit, consider implementing the homepage elements below. (Of course, different types of businesses may need a few different elements here’s our post on must-have elements for Professional Services firms.)

1. A promise

You need to have something on your website that shows you understand the visitor and the challenges they face. You need to make them a promise that will solve their problems.

Website Promise

2. Sub promise

A sub promise is the trust factor and social proof that a company offers, as seen below. Include it on the homepage where relevant.

Website Sub-Promise

3. Call to action

A call to action (CTA) is an image or text that prompts visitors, leads, or customers to take a specific action. CTAs help to guide people through the customer journey and advise them on next steps

Call to Action

4. Contact Details

Make it easy for people to get ahold of you. Consider using a little personality as well to make them want to contact you even more!

Contact Details

5. Visual Branding

Visual branding is an important part of your story, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Slack here. They do a great job of marrying visual branding and showcasing their brand’s personality at every touchpoint. Integration of strategy, messaging, positioning, and brand is so important for a business as it become a huge trust factor for site visitors.

Visual Branding

6. Video

Many companies are beginning to feature video on their homepage, and for good reason! Video allows you to give people a real sense of who you are, what you stand for, and let people hear your story. It’s also a great way to produce content to engage your audience.

Website Video

7. List of problems

Identify the problems you solve and make it easy for website visitors to see them. This will allow them to quickly know if they’re on a site that will address their needs.

List of Client Problems

8. Trust elements

You need to have elements that build trust on your homepage, whether they be logos of current customers or testimonials for your audience to glance over. Have reviews or accolades you want your audience to see? Make them easy to find and place them on the homepage.

Trust Elements

9. Changing content

Changing Website Content

10. Mobile optimization

Your customers are always on the go, and the number of people researching companies on mobile devices continues to increase year over year without any signs of slowing down. Google is even penalizing sites that aren’t optimizing for mobile because it provides a bad user experience. To avoid frustrating potential customers and losing rank in search engine results pages, consider optimizing for mobile.

11. Personality/have fun

Website Personality

12. Social proof

“Everybody’s doing it!”

That phrase, in a nutshell, is social proof. If you can show that other people love your products and services, new prospects will be more inclined to buy from you. Add elements of social proof across your entire website. It will help you increase credibility and drive more conversions.

13. Clear path

Many businesses have different types of clients and audiences that they serve. Make it easy for them to know which path they need to take to find the specific answers they’re looking for.

Website Visitor Clear Path

14. Content upgrades

I’ve written about this numerous times because it’s important! Give people the ability to download premium content in exchange for an email address or capturing a lead. This is an essential element for conversion on your website. If they download this content, this expresses interest in what you do. Take this opportunity to give them more valuable content moving forward in an effort to nurture them through to the sale.

15. Core services

One of the things many companies don’t do enough of is list out their core services on their homepage. In addition to pleasing your prospects, adding more information on the homepage helps boost SEO as well.

Core Services

16. Resource menu

Lastly, be sure to add a menu at the bottom of the homepage with links to important resources, site pages, and social media channels. Be sure to include contact information there as well. Prospects expect to find the information they’re looking for in this area of the website. Don’t disappoint them.

Website Resource Menu

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Essential Website Elements

16 Must-Have Website Elements

February 15, 20237 min read

Want to know if your website is working for you?

Not to pick on web designers, but in today’s business world, you need to be thinking about so much more than just design when it comes to building out your website. Sure, the design is still an important element since a website needs to be visually pleasing to its audience and have the functionality and user experience that they are used to, but you simply cannot design a website at the expense of content and SEO.

While there is a growing percentage of web designers who understand how to design strategically, there are still many business owners who have the “make my site pretty” mentality. By not keeping SEO, content, strategy, user experience, website functionality, and design in mind, companies risking losing business opportunities.

The purpose of your website

Before we can talk about the necessary elements of your homepage specifically, we need to address the purpose of a website.

Gone are the days of your websites just being digital brochure for your company.

A website now has many jobs including:

  • Get found – The website should be optimized for search to help you get found online.

  • Build trust – Your website is a key element to building trust. Once a person arrives on your website, it needs to validate their challenges. Your website needs to function the way your customers need it to and expect it to.

  • Educate – Your website should teach people how to recognize what their problems and challenges actually are.

  • Inform – Once person has found you and trusts you, you need to inform them on how you can solve their problems.

  • Nurture – Often people need to come back to your website numerous times before making a purchase. Capture their email address and continue to create valuable content that is relevant to their stage in the customer journey to nurture them through to the sale.

  • Convert – A conversion can be many things from subscribing to a newsletter, to calling you, to actually making a purchase on your website. Conversion opportunities need to be an element of the design of your homepage to help guide the journey.

In today’s world, your customer’s journey starts by researching online. People are coming to a conclusion on their own as to whether or not they are interested in buying from you far before you even realize you are being looked at. You need to make sure you have presence in these early research stages, and completing each of the jobs above will help you do that.

Tell a story

The main goal your website should achieve is to be able to immediately tell a story. What you may get wrong about storytelling on your website is that the story is not about YOU. The story must be the story your customers and prospects are telling themselves. They need to see themselves in the story which starts with their challenges, problems, and issues that they don’t know how to solve. You have to immediately let your website visitor see that you know what they’re struggling with and that there’s a good chance that you know how to solve it.

Guide a journey

Your website must guide your prospects through the buying process and help them decide how they should move forward. You don’t need to cover everything on your homepage, but you need to help guide your visitor to the next steps. Ask yourself what you want your visitor to do when they’re on your homepage. What actions and next steps should they take to find the solutions they’re looking for?

When you think of guiding people through your website, design is natural element to think about, but remember, SEO, content, and strategy need to be done in parallel with design. In fact, many believe web design should revolve around SEO rather than the other way around.

Must have homepage elements

It’s time for the moment you’ve been waiting for: must have homepage elements. The homepage is often a prospect’s first impression of your website. To get the most out of their visit, consider implementing the homepage elements below. (Of course, different types of businesses may need a few different elements here’s our post on must-have elements for Professional Services firms.)

1. A promise

You need to have something on your website that shows you understand the visitor and the challenges they face. You need to make them a promise that will solve their problems.

Website Promise

2. Sub promise

A sub promise is the trust factor and social proof that a company offers, as seen below. Include it on the homepage where relevant.

Website Sub-Promise

3. Call to action

A call to action (CTA) is an image or text that prompts visitors, leads, or customers to take a specific action. CTAs help to guide people through the customer journey and advise them on next steps

Call to Action

4. Contact Details

Make it easy for people to get ahold of you. Consider using a little personality as well to make them want to contact you even more!

Contact Details

5. Visual Branding

Visual branding is an important part of your story, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Slack here. They do a great job of marrying visual branding and showcasing their brand’s personality at every touchpoint. Integration of strategy, messaging, positioning, and brand is so important for a business as it become a huge trust factor for site visitors.

Visual Branding

6. Video

Many companies are beginning to feature video on their homepage, and for good reason! Video allows you to give people a real sense of who you are, what you stand for, and let people hear your story. It’s also a great way to produce content to engage your audience.

Website Video

7. List of problems

Identify the problems you solve and make it easy for website visitors to see them. This will allow them to quickly know if they’re on a site that will address their needs.

List of Client Problems

8. Trust elements

You need to have elements that build trust on your homepage, whether they be logos of current customers or testimonials for your audience to glance over. Have reviews or accolades you want your audience to see? Make them easy to find and place them on the homepage.

Trust Elements

9. Changing content

Changing Website Content

10. Mobile optimization

Your customers are always on the go, and the number of people researching companies on mobile devices continues to increase year over year without any signs of slowing down. Google is even penalizing sites that aren’t optimizing for mobile because it provides a bad user experience. To avoid frustrating potential customers and losing rank in search engine results pages, consider optimizing for mobile.

11. Personality/have fun

Website Personality

12. Social proof

“Everybody’s doing it!”

That phrase, in a nutshell, is social proof. If you can show that other people love your products and services, new prospects will be more inclined to buy from you. Add elements of social proof across your entire website. It will help you increase credibility and drive more conversions.

13. Clear path

Many businesses have different types of clients and audiences that they serve. Make it easy for them to know which path they need to take to find the specific answers they’re looking for.

Website Visitor Clear Path

14. Content upgrades

I’ve written about this numerous times because it’s important! Give people the ability to download premium content in exchange for an email address or capturing a lead. This is an essential element for conversion on your website. If they download this content, this expresses interest in what you do. Take this opportunity to give them more valuable content moving forward in an effort to nurture them through to the sale.

15. Core services

One of the things many companies don’t do enough of is list out their core services on their homepage. In addition to pleasing your prospects, adding more information on the homepage helps boost SEO as well.

Core Services

16. Resource menu

Lastly, be sure to add a menu at the bottom of the homepage with links to important resources, site pages, and social media channels. Be sure to include contact information there as well. Prospects expect to find the information they’re looking for in this area of the website. Don’t disappoint them.

Website Resource Menu

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(856) 530-7003

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© Copyright 2023. MSP Growth Partners. All rights reserved.